Dental Veneers in Downtown Toronto

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Dental Veneers in Toronto

Carlton Dental is rated highly among dental clinics that offer affordable dental veneers in Toronto. Our dentists are experienced in cosmetic dentistry and work with local labs and master ceramists to produce amazing cosmetic dental results. Be proud of the beauty of your smile with our high-quality dental crowns and veneers.

What are Veneers?

Veneers are custom-made dental restorations that fit over the front surfaces of your teeth. They conceal cracks, chips, stains and other cosmetic imperfections. Veneers are one of the most common cosmetic dentistry treatments.

Veneers are often used in conjunction with other cosmetic dental procedures such as teeth whitening, crowns, Invisalign and implants

  • A Veneer is different from a Crown because a veneer covers only the front surfaces of the tooth. Due to this reason, veneers don't provide any additional functional value to the teeth whereas crowns cover the whole tooth, protecting the tooth from breaking.

What is Done to Get Veneers?

To get your veneers, your dentist will review and try to understand your aesthetic goals and then recommend an personalized cosmetic treatment that accommodates your needs.

Carlton Dental in Downtown Toronto offers dental veneers made from some of the highest quality of dental ceramics. We work with local dental labs and master ceramists that use the latest technology and techniques for the fabrication of dental veneers and crowns.

The following are the steps involved in the veneer process:

  1. Cosmetic Dental Consultation: Discuss your veneer goals with your dentist.

  2. Wax-Up: For most patients, Carlton Dental in downtown Toronto recommends a study model wax-up to be made before the preparation of veneers so that patients are able to see the shape of their teeth during the temporary phase to offer feedback on any changes to be made.

  3. Preparation: For most cases, a small amount of outer tooth structure called enamel is removed to accommodate the thickness of the veneer.

  4. Impression: An impression of your teeth is made to create the custom veneers. At Carlton Dental we use some of the latest equipment with dental technology. For most cases a digital impression is done with a intraoral 3D Scanner

  5. Bonding: Veneers are permanently cemented to your teeth.

What are the Benefits of Veneers?

The benefits of Veneers is that they are designed to change the colour, shape, and/or size of your natural teeth, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing smile. They can improve the appearance of teeth that are discoloured, misshapen, or have undergone extensive dental work. As a result, they can create a whiter and brighter smile.

Veneers are made from dental ceramic materials. With proper care and maintenance, they can last for many years, providing a long-term solution for cosmetic dental treatment.

Dental veneers mimic the shape, reflection and size of ideally shaped teeth.

How much do Veneers Cost?

Veneers can cost anywhere between $1200 to $2500 per tooth.

The cost can vary based on factors such as the dentist’s expertise and the quality of the materials used as well as the need for additional steps such as diagnostic wax-ups or models. For the most precise estimate, it’s always best to have a consultation directly with our dentists.


  • To make a veneer, it takes about two weeks for the dental lab and master ceramists to fabricate a custom made dental veneer from the date of the preparation

  • Veneers last about 10-15 years for most patients. Depending on oral hygiene, genetics, diet and dental care they can last shorter or longer.

  • Veneers do not change colour once they are made. Make sure you are happy with your choice of shade and colour of your dental porcelain before getting them cemented on your teeth.


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(416) 593-5333