Nightguards and TMJ Treatment in Toronto

  • Affordable Nightguards in Toronto

  • TMJ Treatment Appliances in Toronto

  • Same-day appointments and Urgent Dental Care

  • Modern & Advanced Dental Clinics Equipped with the Hi-Tech Equipment

What is TMJ?

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) is a condition that affects the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. It can cause pain, discomfort, and limitations in jaw movement. One common symptom of TMJ is teeth grinding or clenching, known as bruxism. Bruxism often occurs during sleep and can lead to additional dental issues. At Carlton Dental, we can help with the use of nightguards as an effective treatment option for TMJ and teeth grinding.

What is Done During a TMJ Procedure

Impressions of your teeth and bite will be taken to create a precise mold for the nightguard using our digital intraoral scanner. The mold will then be sent to our dental laboratory partner, where the custom nightguard will be fabricated based on your specific measurements and needs. Once the nightguard is ready, you will return to us for a fitting. The dentist will ensure that the nightguard fits comfortably and make any necessary adjustments for optimal comfort and effectiveness.

What are the Benefits of Nightguards?

These are the benefits of nightguards:

  • Pain relief: Nightguards help to reduce muscle tension and alleviate jaw pain associated with TMJ disorders.

  • Teeth protection: By preventing teeth grinding and clenching, nightguards protect the teeth from excessive wear, fractures, and other dental complications.

  • Improved sleep quality: Nightguards promote better sleep by reducing the disruptive effects of teeth grinding and alleviating associated discomfort.

  • Muscle relaxation: Nightguards help relax the jaw muscles, reducing muscle fatigue and soreness.

What is the Cost of a Nightguard?

The cost of a nightguard can range between $500 to $800. The cost can vary because there are different types of nightguards that can be made such as the type of material or the target function of the nightguard.

At Carlton Dental in downtown Toronto, we follow the ODA Fee Guide so that you can be ensured you are getting affordable dental care.


  • The lifespan of a nightguard can vary depending on the quality of the material used and individual usage. On average, custom-made nightguards can last several years with proper care and maintenance.

  • Nightguards are primarily designed for nighttime use. However, they can also be used during the day especially as people tend to clench or grind during moments of stress.

  • Nightguards do not cure TMJ disorders, but they can effectively manage the symptoms and provide relief. They are often used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

Contact us.
(416) 593-5333

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