Invisalign® in Downtown Toronto

  • Highly Rated Dentist for Invisalign in Toronto on Google

  • Straighten Your Teeth in as little as 3 months.

  • Free Consultation & Same-Day Appointments

Invisalign in Downtown Toronto

Get Invisalign today in downtown Toronto. Carlton Dental is rated highly among dental clinics that offer affordable invisalign treatment in Toronto. Our dentists are experienced invisalign providers and work with you to produce amazing invisalign results. Correct all sorts of issues such as gaps and misalignment of teeth.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign are clear aligners that is used as an alternative to traditional metal braces. Compared to metal braces they are:

  • Comfortable: Instead of wires and brackets, composite attachments are used to facilitate movement of teeth.

  • Convenient: They can be removed at any time, allowing you to easily maintain your teeth during the Invisalign process. Bonus: You can floss!

  • Transparent: Most people won’t be able to tell you are in the middle of an Invisalign process as the aligners are clear and the attachments are tooth coloured.

No need to hide your smile. Book a free consultation

What is the Invisalign Process?

These are four main steps involved in the Invisalign process - consultation/examination, treatment plan, aligners, and completing treatment plan. The following are details into the steps involved in the Invisalign Process:

  1. Consultation and Examination:

    • Initial Assessment: Your dentist will evaluate your teeth to determine if Invisalign is suitable for you.

    • Examination and Impression: Your dentist will require a comprehensive examination to create treatment plan goals and expectations. Then an impression will be made, either digitally or physically, to create models of your teeth.

  2. Custom Treatment Plan

    • Customized Plan: A series of custom aligners is created based on the impressions and models

  3. Receiving Aligners:

    • Wearing Aligners: Each set of aligners is worn for about one to two weeks, 20-22 hours a day. Only to be removed during eating, brushing and flossing.

    • Regular Checkups: Periodic visits to monitor progress and receive new aligners.

  4. Completing Treatment:

    • Final Adjustments: Once teeth are properly aligned, a final refinement may be necessary.

    • Retainers: Post-treatment retainers help maintain the new alignment.

Carlton Dental offers affordable Invisalign treatment in downtown Toronto

What are the Benefits of Invisalign?

The benefits of Invisalign is that they are easy to clean and keep clean. Because Invisalign aligners are removable, you’ll have an easier time keeping up with regular maintenance such as brushing and flossing. This helps prevent cavities, tooth decay, gingivitis and gum disease.

Straightening your teeth also comes with benefits along with cosmetic results:

  1. Reduced Risk of Tooth Decay and Gum Disease: Straighter teeth are easier to clean, leading to healthier gums and teeth.

  2. Better Digestion: Properly aligned teeth improve chewing efficiency, aiding in better digestion.

  3. Tooth Wear and Jaw Pain: Correcting bite issues can reduce the risk of abnormal wear, tooth chipping, and jaw problems.

How much does Invisalign Cost?

Invisalign treatment can cost between $4000-$8000. To provide affordable Invisalign in downtown Toronto, we offer multiple ways that can help you determine the best financial options. Ask us about:

  • Dental Insurance – We offer Direct Billing to Insurance

  • Health Spending Accounts - Use your HSA to finance your Invisalign Treatment!

  • Payment Plan Options - We work with Affirm to create financial options to help you afford Invisalign.


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(416) 593-5333