Dental Crowns in Toronto

  • Affordable Dental Crowns in Toronto

  • Same-day appointments, Open Evenings and Weekends

  • Modern & Advanced Dental Clinics Equipped with the Hi-Tech Equipment

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a custom made porcelain cap that protects all sides of your natural teeth. It is used to prevent tooth fracture and recurrent cavities from forming on your teeth.

What is Done During a Dental Crown Procedure?

In a dental crown procedure the tooth needs to be prepared to fit the crown. This involves removing a small portion of the tooth's outer layer, creating space for the crown to fit comfortably.

An impression or mold of the prepared tooth is taken using our digital scanning technology. This impression serves as a model for creating a customized crown that perfectly matches your tooth's shape and size.

While your porcelain crown is being fabricated in a dental laboratory, a temporary crown will be placed over the prepared tooth. This temporary crown protects the tooth and maintains aesthetics and function until the final crown is ready.

Skilled dental technicians will use the impression to create a custom-made crown. They will carefully choose the colour, shape, and size of the crown to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth. This will take about two weeks.

Once the final crown is ready, you will return for its placement. Your dentist will remove the temporary crown, clean the tooth, and then carefully fit and adjust the permanent crown. They will check the fit, bite alignment, and overall aesthetics before permanently cementing the crown in place.

After the crown is cemented, any necessary adjustments will be made to ensure proper bite alignment and comfort.

What are the Benefits of a Dental Crown?

The benefits of dental crowns is that they are designed to match the colour, shape, and size of your natural teeth, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing smile. They can also improve the appearance of teeth that are discoloured, misshapen, or have undergone extensive dental work.

Crowns also restore the functionality of damaged teeth, allowing you to chew and bite properly. And by providing a protective covering, they can alleviate any discomfort or sensitivity associated with weakened teeth.

Dental crowns are made from durable materials ensuring their strength and longevity. With proper care and maintenance, they can last for many years, providing a long-term solution for tooth restoration.

As crowns are made from dental porcelain they are strong enough to protect weak or fractured teeth, shielding them from further damage and reducing the risk of fractures or fractures. They can also reinforce teeth that have undergone root canal treatment, preventing them from breaking or becoming susceptible to infection.

Dental crowns can be used in various situations, including restoring severely decayed teeth, covering dental implants, anchoring dental bridges, and improving the appearance of misaligned or discoloured teeth.

What is the Cost of a Dental Crown?

The cost of a dental crown can range between $1500 to $2500. The cost of a dental crown ranges because sometimes adjunct treatment is required with a dental crown such as a core (medical grade material that is used to restore the shape of the teeth).

At Carlton Dental, we follow the ODA Fee Guide so you can be ensured that you are getting affordable dental care.


  • Generally no.

    There are a multitude of reasons why our dentists would recommend a crown over a filling. For example, filling material, which is composed of a curable plastic resin composite, is not typically strong enough to provide sufficient support for the tooth in cases where there are significant structural compromises or in cases of molar root canals where studies have shown that they will eventually fracture.

  • At Carlton Dental, we generally use porcelain from two types:


    Zirconia is a highly durable and aesthetically pleasing ceramic material that is widely used in dentistry. Zirconia is versatile that offers exceptional strength, durability, natural appearance, and biocompatibility. It provides patients with reliable and long-lasting dental restorations that not only restore functionality but also enhance the beauty of their smiles.


    Emax porcelain is renowned for its superior translucency, allowing it to mimic the natural appearance of teeth with remarkable precision. This translucency enables light to pass through the restoration, giving it a lifelike vitality and ensuring seamless integration with the surrounding teeth. Because of these properties, it’s often used in cosmetic cases

    There are cases where we divulge from these choices but they will depend on our dentist’s professional opinion.

  • A dental bridge are essentially crowns used to replace one or more missing teeth. It consists of two or more dental crowns on either side of the gap created by the missing teeth, with an artificial tooth or teeth in between, known as pontics. The dental crowns serve as anchors and are cemented onto the natural teeth or dental implants adjacent to the gap, providing stability and support for the bridge.

  • Generally a two week gap is required to fabricate a custom made dental crown or bridge.

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(416) 593-5333

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